FLORIDA WEEKLY WEATHER-CROP NEWS Week ending October 12, 1997 Released 4:00 P.M. October 14, 1997 WEATHER SUMMARY: Mostly dry weather continued over the State during the week of October 5 through 11. Rain totals ranged from none to about two thirds of an inch at the official stations. Temperatures averaged mostly one to three degrees above normal with Valparaiso reporting temperatures seven degrees above normal. Daytime highs were mostly in the mid to upper 80s while lows were in the 60s and 70s. Valparaiso recorded a high at 90 and some southwestern localities unofficially reported daily highs near 90. FIELD CROPS: Topsoil moisture is mostly short in the Panhandle and northern Peninsula with scattered areas of very short or adequate moisture. Central and southern Peninsula moisture is mostly adequate with scattered areas of short moisture. Ninety-six percent of the peanut acreage for nuts has been harvested. The dry weather has been excellent for hay harvest, but poor for forage growth. Growers are starting to pick cotton in the Panhandle. Soybean harvest is active. Sugarcane planting is active. Sugarcane growers are making preparations to start harvest. Tobacco markets are scheduled to close this week. Pecans are starting to fall. Moisture Topsoil Subsoil Rating Last week This week Last week This week Percent Very short 1 4 3 5 Short 13 33 17 25 Adequate 76 63 59 65 Surplus 10 0 21 5 LIVESTOCK AND PASTURES: Dry weather has exhausted late season perennial pastures in the Panhandle, where, feeding of hay was necessary for some operations, especially those with heavier stocking rates. In the north and central area, ranchers were planting small grains for winter pasture. However, the dry and hot weather has delayed some of the planting. Pasture growth in the central and southern areas has slowed due to the seasonally cooler weather. Cattle were mostly in fair to good condition. Range Cattle Condition Last week This week Last week This week Percent Very poor 0 0 0 0 Poor 10 10 0 0 Fair 50 30 35 35 Good 35 50 60 50 Excellent 5 10 5 15 CITRUS: Most of Florida's citrus belt was relatively dry this week. The east coast had a higher frequency of scattered rain showers than the rest of the State. More rain is needed in all areas. New growth is slowing which is attributed to the recent dry condition and fewer hours of daylight. There are many blocks of early fruit that are showing advancing stages of color break. Harvest is increasing on Navels, Amersweet, and Hamlin oranges, Robinson and Fallglo tangerines, Satsumas, K-Earlys and white and colored grapefruit. A few more processing plants are planning to open shortly to take more of the packing house eliminations. There still are packing house eliminations being sent to the pastures to be destroyed. Caretakers are mowing, chopping, and discing cover crops prior to harvesting. Some cover crops are growing tall and out of control as they shade and sometime canopy the citrus trees. A few caretakers are rebuilding, cleaning, and repairing their main water control ditches. VEGETABLES: Cooler temperatures are aiding fruit development. Harvesting of yellow squash, hot peppers, cherry tomatoes, watermelons and pickles is underway in the Palmetto- Ruskin area with some growers picking ripes from tomato fields planted to round varieties. East Coast growers started picking both hot and Bell peppers, sweet corn, and eggplant. Harvesting of snap beans, sweet corn, pickles, and radishes continues around Zellwood. Sweet corn and snap bean picking continues in northern localities. SNAP BEANS: North--Picking slow as growers begin harvesting. East Coast--Crop condition is rated mostly good for the oldest acreage. Recent seedings have good germination. Planting remains slow but steady. Workers are cultivating and fertilizing older acreage and preparing ground for planting. Dade-- The crop is in very good condition. Planting continues to increase. Picking will become active by early November. Everglades--The drier weather is helping plants to recover from the recent adverse weather. West Central--Crop condition remains poor to fair as plants slowly recover from the recent adverse weather. Planting is winding down with the replanting of some fields lost to the recent heavy rainfall continuing. Southwest--The crop is in good condition. Planting is active. CABBAGE: West Central--Planting steady. Crop condition is fair to good. Growth and development normal. Central, Hastings--Planting active. Crop condition good. Growth and development normal. CARROTS: Zellwood--Condition remains good. Digging is expected to begin in early December. SWEET CORN: North--Harvesting continues at a steady pace. Zellwood--Picking slow as the season gets underway. East Coast-- The crop is in very good condition. Harvest of a limited acreage started. Volume is light. Winter crop planting is active. Everglades--The drier weather is aiding plant growth and ear development. Harvesting is expected to start over the next seven to ten days. Dade--A small acreage to be picked for local sales, planted earlier, have plants emerging. Growers are preparing larger acreage to be planted in late October and early November. The seed corn acreage is in good condition. Southwest--The crop is in good condition. Planting continues at a steady pace. CUCUMBERS: West Central--Condition is fair to good. Planting is winding down. Harvesting of pickles is beginning with fair to good quality and sizes available. Southwest--Crop condition is good. Planting is steady. Harvesting is expected to start in about two weeks. East Coast--Oldest acreage is in mostly good condition with fruit setting and gaining size. Pollination is slow resulting in a light fruit set. Recent plantings are off to a good start with good germination. Zellwood--Pickle harvesting is active. Dade--Pickle plants are starting to bloom. Ground preparations for future plantings are on schedule. EGGPLANT: East Coast--The crop is in good condition. Initial harvesting is underway. Quality and color are good with mostly fancy sizes and a light amount of choice available. Volume is very light. Transplanting, staking, and tying continue. West Central-- Crop condition is fair. Harvesting is gaining momentum with fair to good quality and fair sizes available. Southwest--The crop is in good condition with only a limited acreage planted. Dade--The crop is in good condition. Planting is on schedule. ESCAROLE/ENDIVE: Zellwood, Everglades--Planting continues. Harvesting is expected to begin during the last two weeks of October. LETTUCE: Everglades, Zellwood--Planting is active. Harvesting will start during late October and early November. OKRA: Dade--Winter crop fields remain in good condition. Harvest of oldest acreage continues to decline with a fair volume available. PEPPERS: East Coast--The condition of all varieties is good. Initial harvesting is underway. The crown pick of Bell varieties is providing good quality of extra large and large sizes. Picking of jalapeno and cubanelle varieties is producing mostly good quality. Transplanting is steady. West Central--Crop condition is fair. Picking of hot varieties is underway with good quality and fair to good sizes available. Southwest--The crop is in good condition as planting continues at a steady pace. POTATOES: Southwest--Planting is starting. Southeast-- Making preparations to start planting. RADISHES: Zellwood--Digging is gaining momentum. Everglades--Harvesting is expected to start in about a week. SQUASH: West Central--Crop condition is fair to good. Growers started harvesting of yellow varieties. Quality is fair to good. Sizes are variable. Southwest--The crop is in good condition. Planting continues at a steady pace. Picking is gaining momentum. Quality and yield are good. East Coast--The crop is in mostly good condition. Drier conditions are helping to improve plant growth and fruit development. Recent plantings are off to a good start. A lack of pollination has reduced the yield prospects for a limited acreage. Harvest remains slow with a very light volume of zucchini and yellow varieties available. Quality is mostly good with fancy and medium sizes picked. Dade--Recent plantings are up to good stands. Planting is becoming more active. STRAWBERRIES: Plant City--Transplanting continues with about half of the planned acreage planted. The recent heavy rainfall caused about five percent of the beds to wash away with growers rebedding these before planting. Palmetto-Ruskin--The crop condition is good as transplanting gets underway. TOMATOES: Quincy--Picking remains active. Palmetto- Ruskin--Crop condition is fair but improving. Plant growth is fair to good. Fruit setting is mostly fair with some good. Fruit sizing is variable but improving. Growers started picking a small volume of ripes. Harvesting of greens from a small acreage will get underway within the next five to seven days. Progress is about two weeks behind normal. Southwest--The crop is in good condition. Cooler nighttime temperatures are aiding the setting of fruit. Planting continues at a steady pace. Harvesting is expected to begin about November first. East Coast--Older acreage is in good condition. Blooming and fruit setting on the crown hands are fairly good. Cooler temperatures accelerated the setting and sizing of fruit on both crown and second hands. Younger acreage has very good plant growth. Transplanting is steady. Harvesting of a small acreage is expected to begin in late October. Dade--The crop is in good condition. Planting is increasing. Strong winds are drying topsoil with growers starting to irrigate fields. Staking and tying on oldest acreage is starting. Spraying is active. CHERRY TOMATOES: Palmetto-Ruskin--The crop is in fair condition. Harvesting is underway with fair quality and sizes available. Volume is light. Southwest--The crop is in good condition. Planting of a small acreage continues at a steady pace. PLUM TOMATOES: Southwest--The crop is in good condition. Planting remains steady. Palmetto-Ruskin--Condition is fair to good. Picking is expected to begin soon. WATERMELONS: Palmetto-Ruskin--The crop is in fair to good condition. Harvesting is underway with fair to good quality and medium sizes available. Southwest--Crop condition is good.